You talk to dead people?

I felt like I dropped a bomb on you when I said I speak to dead people. To be clear, I don’t summon demons or any crazy shit like that but I do dabble in mediumship. To me, this doesn’t mean that I can tell the future (that’s not my vibe) and it doesn’t mean that I no longer fear death. What resonates with me is that mediumship is a tool for spirit to pass on messages of comfort to loved ones or to give them guidance through me. I am nothing more than a portal that connects you to the universe. A spiritual teacher of mine taught me that, “we all have this ability, it’s no gift, but we have to be open in order to receive” and that lesson has stayed with me ever since. This kind of stuff has never felt bizarre, unreal or impossible for me to believe in because there has always been a piece of me that is curious about human existence. For as long as I can remember, I have always been fascinated by the idea of life after death and have been asking myself questions like, “why am I here?...what is my purpose?”, also I am a sucker for reading books about spiritual awakening.

You don’t have to be practicing mediumship to feel that spirit is present. Before I started tuning into spirit I had the most wacko dreams and still do today. Many have felt like I was in the movie Inception (if you’ve not watched it please do - it’s a great film) and I can still recall dreams that have happened over five years ago. Taking note of dreams is a perfect place to start communicating with spirit because consciousness cannot block us with logical thinking. Next time you wake up like, “holy crap what on earth was that dream about?”, grab your phone and write it down in your notes. Don’t analyse it because it might not make sense now but may do later down the line. A quick tip, if you're going to search up the meaning of your dreams please take it with a pinch of salt! A dream of your teeth falling out doesn’t categorically mean it’s a sign from spirit that your life is a shambles and you need to pack up your bags and travel the world to find yourself (tbh I think everyone has those feelings at some point after watching Eat, Pray, Love). 

My last point I want to leave with you is about finding your unique sign. Please don’t get stupid about this. Too many people assign signs to crap that has no meaning to them. I look at signs as something that is deeply connected to me. Therefore, seeing a white feather is too easy and I will disregard them. Whereas, hearing my favourite song blast out of the speakers as I sat nervously waiting for my interview, was my HUGE indication that I was in the right place and the universe was supporting me (btw I got the job). Before you say, “well everyone’s favourite song is probably on the charts”, I’m certain Proud Mary doesn’t get a regular slot on Radio One’s Breakfast show with Greg James. This does not mean I get to dodge bad experiences because with everything in life you have to take the good with the bad, the yin & yang, and most importantly stumble along with it. Your sign can be whatever you like but make sure it has depth, authenticity, and truth to who you are because that’s when spirit can really show you some magic. The reality is, it can take a lot for us to truly believe in spirit and the universe because there’s NOTHING logical about it! It makes no sense to the human mind that it is possible to feel/see invisible energies, have signs from the universe or even speak to a great gran that passed away in 1945. But as they say, stranger things have happened at sea.

xoxo blame it on the moon 


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