Did you know that you're probably manifesting without even realising it. Have you ever had one of those days where life seems to happen for you effortlessly? You have this buzzing sensation inside of you and you're excited to ride the wave of joy. That is manifesting and it's happening within you! In those moments you're not thinking about tomorrow, or how you’ll make your dreams come true and instead you are simply living in the moment. However, the reality is we are only human and sometimes when flowing downstream to our dreams we hit a few boulders. Here's what I have learned so far...

1. Are you manifesting your truth?

It's easy to be confused and lost about what you truly want because we’re not taught to seek this. When was the last time you honestly asked yourself what will make you happy? Again, we don’t teach this because our ego wants us to believe that it's selfish to pursue our own happiness. However, the older I am becoming, the more I am realising that manifestation is simply you finding the strength to be vulnerable and speak the life you dream into action.  Its cliche to say it but this isn't the dress rehearsal we are the live coverage.

2. Clear Out 

Have you been waiting for your calling or that feeling to arise where you know exactly what you're supposed to do in this life? If you're still waiting for it, then get out there and explore because then you can get clear about what you don’t want. It's like reverse manifesting because you're focusing on finding out what you don’t want by having fun. You give yourself freedom to pick up a new hobbie, apply for a random job, go on a blind date and there are no expectations because you have no idea if that’s what you want. However, the more you explore the clearer the vision will become. 

3. Bin your time schedule

It would be awesome to be a wanderlust spiritual person who could live life without a plan or schedule but that's certainly not the case with me. I love a plan with a schedule that has a strict time frame to it  (I think that’s because my moon is in Virgo?). The thing is, I have only ever had one outcome when manifesting to a time frame and that's disappointment. It's true, the Universe has a bigger plan for you and couldn’t give a crap about your schedule.

4. Patience 

Social media has fooled us into believing that we need to achieve everything NOW! The truth is patience is one the biggest tools to manifest with because if you truly want it, you will be ready to work at it even if it takes ten years or more. 

5. Commitment

Stop believing that you have to be born with a magical gift to follow your dreams. Instead, start believing in your commitment, passion and drive to learn everything that there is to your goals. We are not born as film directors, business owners, athletes or whatever you are dreaming of achieving. Keep pursuing your dreams and never stop learning because tomorrow might be the day a door opens that changes your life forever.

6. Block out the haters (your ego too)

Please never forget this - you are the only one who truly knows your dreams, aspirations and goals inside and out. Never be ashamed to set boundaries because it's important that you only share these visions with people who’ll cheer you on. Unfortunately, we can’t always escape our ego and from time to time you’ll feel a wave of self-doubt. That’s alright because remember your ego doesn’t want you to face change but stepping out of your comfort zone will bring transformation! A wobble off track is your indicator to jump back on and ride through the ego’s need to control you with fear.

7. Perfection, its a load of shite

By the way, just because you didn’t learn a musical instrument as a kid doesn’t mean you can't start today because you're in your 50’s. Why do we stop learning new stuff as adults? I want to start celebrating people who are learning for more than just the perfect career. It's a scary thought for some but you are always allowed to start again. Don’t let perfection stop you from having a life of adventure and trying something new!


Manifesting isn’t a solo mission. The Universe has a funny way of aligning you onto people’s paths who help you to learn, grow and make valuable steps towards your dreams. It really doesn’t matter what you're pursuing, there is no doubt there will always be support even if you can’t see it. It is a fact that practicing gratitude helps you to feel happier and who doesn’t want to feel like a ball of sunshine. 

There will be many moments in our lives when we still get caught up in the pursuit of perfection and my answer to that is to try again. It is NEVER too late to restart, to change or to make new dreams because you are the director of your life.

Affirmation: I am ready to have a life that truly makes me happy.

xoxo blame it on the moon


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